任 重 副教授 博士生导师
上海大学力学与工程科学学院副院长 里斯本学院副院长(兼) 工作经历 2021.10至今,上海大学力学与工程科学学院副院长 2016.2至今,上海大学力学与工程科学学院土木工程系,讲师,副教授 (2017.1-2018.2,上海大学国际事务处挂职;2018.7-2018.8,英国爱丁堡大学土木工程学院,访问学者;2020.8至今,上海大学力学与工程科学学院土木工程系副主任) 2013.9-2016.2,同济大学,土木工程学院,博士后 教育经历 2008.9-2013.7,英国伯明翰大学,结构工程,博士(PhD) 2005.9-2008.7,英国伯明翰大学,土木工程,学士(BEng) 协会兼职 1、中国建筑金属结构协会检测鉴定加固改造分会委员 2、《工程与应用学报》编委 研究方向 1、基于机器学习的人员疏散路径规划研究(公共安全) 2、轻钢结构稳定性研究 3、钢结构抗火研究 4、新型仓储一体化结构体系研究(库架合一) 主持或参加科研项目、人才计划项目及获奖情况 1.上海大学青年五四奖章团体(2022):轻钢与轻型组合结构青年团队(团队负责人) 2.上海大学“蔡冠深”优秀青年教师奖(2019) 3.上海市科技进步三等奖(2018):超高层建筑结构高效耗能减震关键技术研究。 4.校企研发项目(横向):新型仓储一体化结构体系成套技术研究,2021.12-2024.6,主持。 5.校企研发项目(横向):PCS Saraburi frozen clad rack project,2020.8-2021.2,主持。 6.校企研发项目(横向):货架研发方案研究,2020.5-2021.6,主持。 7.国家重大科技专项课题:CAP1400核电厂安全增强措施—核电厂结构三维及多级隔震技术研究,2017.01-2020.12,参与。 8.上海市高校青年教师培养资助计划,轻钢装配式建筑主承重构件在多种屈曲模态耦合作用下的破坏机理与设计方法,2017.01-2018.12,主持。 9.国家自然基金青年科学基金项目,51508402,开孔冷弯薄壁型钢压弯构件在多种屈曲模态和约束作用下的破坏机理与承载力预测,2016.01- 2018.12,主持。 10.中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2014M561517,冷弯薄壁型钢异型截面构件畸变屈曲相互作用的机理研究,2014.9-2015.9,主持。 11.中国博士后国际交流计划引进项目(同济大学,第一批)2013.9-2015.9 12.第十五届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛—突出贡献奖,2017.12。 13.上海大学归国留学人员研修班(第一期),2017年10月26日至12月27日。 14.上海大学中青年干部培训班(第二十八期),2018年6月13日至9月21日。 15.英国伯明翰大学优秀学生奖(Whittaker Ellis Bullock Prize),2008。 研究论文
1.Ren C., He Y.M., He W.F., Dai L.S.*. (2022). Experiments and numerical predictions of cold-formed steel members with web perforations under combined compression and minor axis bending.Engineering Structures, 256, 114022. 2.Ren C., Liu X.W., Dai L.S.*. (2021). Buckling analyses of cold-formed steel Sigma sections in purlin-sheeting systems subjected to uniformly distributed uplift loading. Structures, 34, 2262–2275. 3.Xu, H., He, W.F. *, Liu, W., Ye, K., Ren, C. (2021). Shaking table test and investigation of rocking effect in a high-rise isolated structure. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, 2021, 174(8), 4.Xu H., He, W.F. *, Liu, W., Ye, K., Ren, C. (2021). Experiment investigation and seismic performance evaluation of hybrid isolation bearing with uncoupled compression and shear mechanism. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 30(8), e1849. 5.Ren C., Zhang P., Dai L.S.*. (2020). Numerical investigation of cold-formed steel storage rack uprights under localised fires.Structures, 27, 2082-2095. 6.Ren C., Wang H.X., Huang Y.E., Yu Q.Q.*. (2020). Post-fire mechanical properties of corroded grade D36 marine steel. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 263, 120120.. 7.Ren C., Dai L.S., Huang Y.E., He W.F.*. (2020). Experimental investigation into post-fire mechanical properties of Q235 cold-formed steel. Thin-walled structures, Volume 150, 106651. 8.Ren C., Wang B.H. and Zhao X.Z.*(2019). Numerical predictions of distortional-global buckling interaction of perforated rack uprights in compression.Thin-walled structures, Volume 136, Pages 292-301. 9.Zhu J.*, Ren C. Zhang X. Huang X.H. and Ye W.H. (2019). Dynamic analysis of cold-formed steel channel-section columns under axial impact loading. Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 102, Pages 260-269. 10.Wang F., Zhang H.*, Yang J., Bai L., Ren C. (2018). Numerical Studies of the Rotational Stiffness of Purlin–Sheeting System. International Journal of Steel Structures, 18, pages719–733. 11.Zhao X.Z.*, Ren C. and Qin R. (2017). An experimental investigation into perforated and non-perforated steel storage rack uprights. Thin-walled structures, Volume 112, Pages159–172. 12.Ren C.*, Zhao X.Z. and Chen Y.Y. (2016). Buckling behaviour of partially restrained cold-formed steel zed purlins subjected to uniformly distributed transverse uplift loading. Engineering Structures, Volume 114, Pages 14-24. 13.任重,刘秋婷,王斌华,戴柳丝*. (2020).开孔冷弯薄壁C型钢压弯构件畸变与整体屈曲相关作用数值分析及设计方法.上海交通大学学报,Volume 54, Number. 10, 1084-1093. 14.任重,张鹏,戴柳丝*. (2020).基于局部火灾情况下冷弯薄壁型钢货架立柱稳定性研究.太原理工大学学报,Volume. 51, Number 1, 35-42. 15.赵宪忠,戴柳丝,黄兆祺,任重. (2019).钢货架结构研究现状与关键技术.工程力学, Vol. 36, Issue (8): 1-15. 国际会议论文 1.Wang B.H., Ren C.*, Zhao X.Z. and Dai L. (2016). Post-buckling behaviour of partially restrained cold-formed steel sigma purlins subjected to uplift loading. 7th International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures, 7 – 8 November 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2.Dai L.S., Zhao X.Z. * and Ren C. (2016). Experimental investigation into steel storage rack beam-to-upright bolted connections.Wei-Wen Yu International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures 2016 - Recent Research and Developments in Cold-Formed Steel Design and Construction, 9-10 November 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 3.He S.B., Ren C.*, Zhao X.Z. and Li C.X. (2016). Buckling analysis of perforated rack uprights exposed to localised fires. 9th International Conference on Structures in Fire, 8-10 June 2016, Princeton, USA. 4.Zhao, X.Z. * and Ren, C. (2015). Distortional–global buckling interaction of perforated rack uprights: Numerical study and design.Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, SDSS 2016. 30 May – 01 June 2016, Timisoara, Romania. 5.Ren C., Zhao X.Z.* and Qin R. (2015).Experimental and numerical investigations of the steel storage rack uprights.13th Nordic Steel Construction Conference, 23-25 September 2015, Tampere, Finland. 6.Ren C.* and Zhao X.Z. (2014). Influence of diagonal bracing restraint on cold-formed steel perforated columns under axial compression.22nd International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, St. Louis, Missouri. November 5-6, 2014.